Matt Mullenweg - Houston Texas
Matt Mullenweg - Houston Texas
Matt Mullenweg, WordPress and WP-Plugins Who is Matt Mullenweg and what exactly is WordPress? Matt Mullenweg is from Houston Texas and is an American Entrepreneur best known for his open source content management system, software WordPress. WordPress is built using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) language and is paired with a MySQL Database, or MariaDB database. Matt must have spent his early childhood life on a computer developing his heart out to end up coming to terms with a May 27, 2003 release date of his founding development when he was just 19 years old. One of his catch phrases in his WordPress development was and may still be “Code is Poetry”. WordPress simplifies a website that has content being updated daily. More than that, it has endless functionality with an open directory for various themes and plugins that add functionality and endless style. Simply put, you may change the entire look and feel of your website with a click of a button. Or, if you understand code, namely HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PHP and MYSQL, and many others languages that could be referenced, you can make any style theme you want and plug it into your WordPress CMS, and quickly build […]
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