Will the stock market and Electric Vehicles induce a longer retirement? More often there’s chatter among a vast array of the busiest people on topics relating to the stock market. The stock market has seen astronomical gains in the past year – the likelihood of all time in American History. That’s in part of all the new hype with electric vehicles. Business schools and colleges are more often discussing the wealthiest people in the world such as Mark Zuckerburg, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, RJ Scaringe, Jeff Bezos, to name only a few. What made these gentleman so rich is a question many would like to have answered. A very short answer couldn’t be possible. Hard work comes through muscle strength of the human brain, as much as it does lifting a hammer and driving some nails. It will surprise many to know that the stock market is necessary to keep up with, as well for the inevitable monster of inflation and the time value of money. Money is less valuable over time, especially when there is an influx in GDP. Ergo, when there is no longer demand for gross domestic products, our money is thereby devalued and the result is […]
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